noOTP Login For Websites & Apps

Enable Login With Whatsapp Option On Your Websites / Apps

Easy Integration

Integrating WhatsApp Login Buttons is simple and straightforward with our easy-to-use APIs.

Seamless Login

Login using WhatsApp eliminates the need for creating separate user accounts, saving time and effort.

Global Availability

WAuth is accessible worldwide, making it a convenient option for users across the globe to log in and access services

Increased Security

With two-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption, login with WhatsApp is highly secure.

Improved Experience

The seamless and intuitive experience of logging in with WhatsApp enhances user engagement

Cost Effective

WAuth is a cost-effective alternative to traditional SMS-based OTPs

Try OTP-Less - Login With Whatsapp Phone Verification Demo

Demo 1

1.  Login With WhatsApp button is displayed on App/ Website
2. User clicks on the button and gets redirected to WhatsApp
3. User Authorizes login on WhatsApp
4. Webhook is sent to Client's application
5. User is redirected to the app / website using a backlink

Approach 1 ( Recommended  )

Auto detect user's whatsapp phone number

Demo 2

1.  User is asked to input the number to be verified
2. User is redirected to WhatsApp
3. User Authorizes login on WhatsApp

4. Webhook is sent to Client's application
5. User is redirected to app / website using a backlink


Verifies the whatsapp number input by user

WAuth as SMS OTP Verification Alternative


WAuth uses the secure infrastructure of WhatsApp to verify user's identity, reducing the risk of fraud and identity theft.


WAuth is accessible to users with a smartphone, providing a seamless and hassle-free login experience.

Cost Effective

WAuth eliminates the cost of SMS and OTPs, providing a more cost-effective solution for mobile verification.

Get 2 Months Free Phone Verification Service

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WAuth?

WAuth is a noOTP ( OTP-Less ) login service that enables 'Login With Whatsapp' option for the websites and mobile apps, eliminating the need for SMS OTP Service for the phone verification

Is WAuth secure?

Yes, WAuth is secure. It uses encryption to protect the user's data and information, and only shares the user's name and profile picture with the website or app they are logging into.

Can I use WAuth for multiple websites and apps?

Yes, once a user has authorized the WAuth service, they can use it for multiple websites and apps without having to log in each time.

How does WAuth work?

WAuth uses the user's WhatsApp account to verify their identity and provide secure access to websites and mobile apps. When a user clicks the "Login with WhatsApp" button, they are prompted to authorize the app to access their WhatsApp account.

Does WAuth requires end users to have a WhatsApp account?

Yes, in order to use WAuth, users must have a WhatsApp account.

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